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Weekly News

Reigate Park Church

Weekly News - 5th December 2024


Travelling together with Jesus in faith, hope and love.

Reaching out with God's care and love for all.

This coming Sunday, our 2nd in Advent, we welcome back Rev. David Pitkeathly to lead our Toy/Gift Service.

The theme of David's service will be: The blessings he brings.

Luke 1.68-79 (Benedictus)

This passage is known as the Song of Zechariah. The elderly priest has been mute since he refused to believe the angel Gabriel’s message that his wife Elizabeth would bear a son who would be ‘great in the sight of the Lord’. Here, filled with the Holy Spirit, he breaks his silence and praises God for fulfilling his loving plan to free his people from their enemies.

On this second Sunday of Advent, we explore how the prophets prepare the way for people to turn towards God and look at the loving plan of salvation that he has prepared.

Our service will start at our usual time of 10.00am.  

Order of Service


Call to Worship

Lighting of the 2nd Advent Candle by Angela Woollatt

Song : Jesus is on his way

Jesus is on his way

Hope for the day

Don't be afraid

Soon comes the day

Don't be afraid.

Hymn: R&S 137 - Hark the glad sound [Toys and gifts are brought forward]

Offertory and dedication of all gifts

Advent Litany

Into our world as into Mary’s womb

Come Lord Jesus

Into the forgotten and the fearful places

As into the Bethlehem Stable

Come Lord Jesus

Into the lives of the poor bringing hope,

Into the lives of the powerful bringing compassion,

Into the lives of the weary bringing rest,

Into our lives and our longings

Come Lord Jesus

Here is good news for a saddened world

Christ is coming

Blessed are those who wait on the Lord

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly come.  Amen.

Prayers and Lord’s Prayer

Bible Reading: Isaiah 61 v1-3 

Introduction to the theme

Hymn: R&S 141 - Make way, make way, for Christ the King

Bible Reading: Luke 1 v68-79 

A Poem for Advent

Hymn: R&S 149 - Infant Holy, infant lowly


Hymn: CMP 1086 - Light of the World (Here I am to worship)

Prayer for Others

Hymn: R&S 159 – Hark! the herald angels sing

Prayer and Blessing

Rev. Siobhán Antoniou is leading the service at Redhill URC this Sunday.

For those of you joining us online, here is the all important YouTube link:

  Martin Skitt will be our Organist this Sunday.

The flowers this Sunday have been donated by The Flower Fund and arranged by Sue Wylie.

In Junior church this week we will be running through final arrangements for our Nativity service on 15th Dec. We will be singing, practising readings and trying on costumes as well as going over last minute plans.

I have been delighted by the enthusiasm of the children so far and very grateful for all their ideas and support. I think the service will be fun and thought provoking.



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