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Dear Friends ..........

By the time you read this we will have been following the journey of Christ towards the Cross during the Lenten

Period and reached the destination or culmination of that journey with the death of Christ on the Cross and then the celebration of the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday.   A journey with its many facets and experiences along the way, some joyful and educational but some quite harrowing.


At our weekly Faith & Fellowship Group we have been following this same journey in Mark’s Gospel and looking at what it can say to us today, which has been a journey in itself!


We are all on a journey - a journey of faith - and no matter what our age or background, we are all in an individual place on that journey.  We may be at the very beginning, part way through or well on the way.  And, of course, age doesn’t have any bearing on where we are on the journey.  Just because we may be in our later years it cannot be assumed that we know all the answers because we may have come to faith later-on in life, or that because we are younger, we know very little as we may have come to faith early on in our life.


We all experience different types of journeys during our lifetime, not just the spiritual ones, but ones that will either help to form and shape our characters or change our outlook on life.


One of these journeys, I can guarantee, will be the Reigate Park Church with Coco’s Foundation trip to Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa!

By the time you read this it will be just 4 DAYS to the start of our South African journey.   It will have its highs and lows and it will affect all the volunteers in different ways.  Seeing the way the people live, the extreme poverty and lack of all we take for granted, will be a real “eye opener”.   We will be sharing the experiences of our journey on our return when I and the volunteers lead worship on 28th April.


During our time in South Africa one of my responsibilities will be to give all volunteers any Pastoral and Spiritual support they may need.


And this is something we all need at certain times in our lives, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need support.


Wishing you all a blessed Easter,

Sue Knight

Local Church Leader

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